One thing that can put a damper on anyone’s day is finding a roof leak. Generally, we expect our houses to be a safe place for us. They protect us from the outside, which is what makes it especially frustrating when the outside starts coming in. What starts as a minor frustration can quickly turn into a big problem, which is why it is important to have your roof fixed right away when you notice a leak.
If you don’t fix the leak soon after you spot it, it can lead to some very expensive damages. Not only the water damage from the leak itself, but it can wreak havoc on the structural integrity of your roof and even cause problems with your ceiling. Even worse, the leak could cause mold growth in your home and that could affect the health of you and your family. If this sounds all too familiar, then read on and find out what to do when your roof leaks.
Spotting the Problem
Finding a roof leak might be easier than you think, but there is some sleuthing to do. The first thing you want to do is look for any discoloration or bulges in your ceiling. This is not necessarily where the actual leak is, but where water is pooling on the other side of your ceiling. If you are confident that you have found the problem spot, you will want to relieve pressure from your ceiling. To do this, take a screwdriver and puncture the bulge where the water is coming from. This will help to alleviate pressure from the rest of your ceiling and allow the water to drain in a consistent fashion.
If you are not confident in doing this, it is best to contact an experienced professional right away.
Evidence of the Problem
You might be thinking to yourself, “my roof is leaking!” and while you know it to be true, your insurance company won’t take you seriously unless you have proof of the problem. You should take photos the moment you notice the leak and every day after until you get it fixed.
This brings up the question; does homeowners insurance cover roof leaks? The simple answer is no. Insurance companies will often cover ceiling/interior damage from roof leaks but will not cover the cost of repairing the roof unless it’s caused by outside factors such as a tree limb puncture or shingles being blown off from a bad storm.
Things to Consider
A slow drip can turn into something much worse much faster than you may think, so it would be wise of you to move any of your things away from the area where the water is dripping. Not only do you want to avoid water damage to your items, but ceiling collapses are not entirely uncommon, which could damage your things much worse than a little water damage. In cases like these, homeowners often debate between using sealants vs. complete roof replacement. While sealants can provide a temporary fix for minor leaks, a complete roof replacement may be necessary if the damage is extensive to ensure long-term protection. Consider reviewing your homeowners insurance roof damage policy to understand what repairs may be covered in cases of significant water damage or roof failure. Many insurance policies cover sudden roof damage caused by storms or accidents, but coverage can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the cause.
When the Problem Gets out of Hand
Sometimes you won’t be able to find someone to come out on the same day to get your roof repaired. That’s okay. If you are confident that you have spotted the problem area and have access to the place the water is collecting, you can place a tarp to help mitigate any further damage. This is not a long-term fix but will buy you some time until an experienced professional can come to your home.
You also want to make sure that you have plenty of buckets or other similar containers on hand to collect the water that is dripping from your roof. It’s no fun having a bunch of stuff scattered around on the ground, but this will minimize floor damage.
If you have a leaking roof in your house and need help getting it fixed, please contact the experienced professionals at Jack C. Wilson Roofing today!